Automobile Accidents


The vast majority of automobile accidents consist of collisions involving two or more motorized vehicles, however some collisions also occur with non-motorized fixed objects. These accidents involved with motorized vehicles often times occur with some level of negligence.

The consequences of such accidents are often times devastating. If you have been injured in an automobile accident, ensure that you and all of those involved obtain immediate medical attention.

Some of your rights after an accident are:

  • Medical attention with a specialist
  • Surgery and hospitalization
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Repairs to your vehicle
  • Payment for Loss of Earnings
  • Compensation for pain and suffering

Steps to follow after an automobile accident:

  • Make sure that you as well as your passengers are out of harm’s way (your well being is priceless)
  • Call the police and/or fire department to report the accident and get immediate medical attention.
  • Obtain as much information as possible from the other party, this includes but is not limited to their insurance policy and contact information.
  • Obtain any information of witnesses of the incident, especially contact information.
  • Do not discuss the facts of the accident with anybody, except for the police and fire department.
  • Call us immediately at 424-603-3745 and ask to speak with Richard DeAnda and or his staff.
  • We will report your automobile accident to your insurance company FREE of charge.

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