Dog bites


Dog bites may result in permanent scars, damaged nerves, damaged tendons and viral infections that could leave permanent damage. If a dog bites another person, the owner is responsible for the damage inflicted. There are a multitude of ways to obtain compensation for injuries, and in most cases, the homeowner’s insurance will cover the damages caused by a dog bite. However, if the attack occurs within the vehicle of the dog’s owner, the damage may be covered under their auto insurance, or if the dog’s owner has pet insurance this may also be utilized. Even if the dog owner is not covered by any insurance company, you may still entitled to compensation, and may sue the owner.

Due to the nature of these incidents, it is imperative to act very quickly after the incident as there are statutory laws that limit the time available to obtain compensation.

Richard De Anda offers free legal advice and will only charge a fee if he wins your case, call 424-603-3745 to make an appointment.

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